The Upside of Oil and Gas Investing

How the New Model Works and Why It Puts the Traditional Model to Shame

Despite what the get-rich-quick tales around the oil and gas industry may lead you to believe, a lot of deals out there give the investor slim odds of breaking even, let alone striking black gold. If you’ve invested in oil and gas before and you’ve had a bad experience—as is more than likely—this book is for you.

As a fourth-generation oilman, ForbesBooks author Jay R. Young knows that the way things have always been done isn’t working anymore.

But there’s a new way of investing. In his new book, The Upside of Oil and Gas Investing: How the New Model Works and Why It Puts the Traditional Model to Shame he lays it all bare. Jay explains why oil and gas deals of the past were structured in ways that made it difficult to profit, and how things are changing for the better. In this book, you will learn about how Jay and his company evaluate great drilling prospects, how to approach projects, and how an investor’s partnership in oil and gas projects should be treated.

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